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Different ways to celebrate Spring in the world

As the world awakens from its winter slumber, there's a palpable sense of renewal in the air. Spring, with its blooming flowers, warmer weather, and longer days, invites us to shed our winter coats and embrace the beauty of nature. Across the globe, diverse cultures welcome this season in unique and vibrant ways, each celebration reflecting local traditions and customs. Here, we explore some delightful spring festivities from around the world, accompanied by essential items to make your own celebrations even more memorable.

Cherry Blossom Festivals in Japan :

In Japan, spring is synonymous with cherry blossoms, known as "sakura." Locals and tourists alike flock to parks and gardens to witness the breathtaking spectacle of delicate pink petals blanketing the trees. Embrace the spirit of hanami (flower viewing) with a traditional Japanese art print or dogs celebrating Spring under blossoming cherry trees.

White House Easter egg roll :

In the United States, Easter is celebrated with various traditions, including the White House Easter Egg Roll. This iconic event, held annually on the White House lawn, brings together families from across the country for a day of fun-filled activities, including egg rolling, egg hunts, storytelling, and live entertainment. Embrace the spirit of this cherished tradition with a colorful collection of Easter cards and a tote bag to collect your eggs.

Nowruz in Iran and Central Asia :

Nowruz, meaning "new day," is the Persian New Year and a celebration of spring's arrival. Families gather to prepare elaborate feasts, exchange gifts, and set up haft-seen tables adorned with symbolic items representing renewal and prosperity.

May Day Celebrations in Europe :

Across Europe, May Day is a joyous celebration filled with tradition and camaraderie. Maypole dancing, where ribbons intertwine around tall poles, symbolizes community unity. Flower crowns adorn heads, adding a whimsical touch, while feasting brings friends and family together to savor the season's bounty. It's a time to honor nature's renewal and revel in the promise of brighter days ahead.

Spring Equinox in Teotihuacán :

During the Spring Equinox in Teotihuacán, Mexico, visitors witness the "Descent of the Feathered Serpent" at the Temple of Kukulcan. This event, where sun alignment creates serpent-like shadows on the Pyramid of the Sun, symbolizes renewal and balance. Visitors partake in rituals, ceremonies, and meditations, honoring ancient traditions and connecting with spiritual energy. Send your friends some gratitude on this occasion with one of our illustrations or card :

Songkran Festival in Thailand:

Songkran, the Thai New Year, is celebrated with water fights and acts of cleansing and renewal. Join in the fun with water-resistant pouches to protect your valuables while splashing around.

The festival of scrambled egg Cimburijada:

Cimburijada in Bosnia marks spring's arrival with a communal feast featuring cimbur, a hearty dish of eggs, onions, and sometimes cheese or sausage. Held outdoors on the first day of spring, people gather to cook over open fires, sharing conversation and music as they celebrate the season's renewal. One of our cooking or painting eggs illustration is perfect for the occasion.

Floriade in Australia :

Floriade is Australia's premier flower festival held annually in Canberra. This vibrant event showcases colorful blooms, themed gardens, and engaging activities for all ages. Visitors can enjoy stunning floral displays, attend workshops, and indulge in local food while celebrating the arrival of spring in a botanical wonderland. Get yourself some flower decorations to celebrate the beauty of them.

Tulip Time in the Netherlands:

Tulip Time in the Netherlands is a beloved spring tradition where colorful fields of tulips attract visitors from around the globe. From guided tours to floral parades, it's a celebration of the country's horticultural heritage and the natural beauty of blooming tulips. Get yourself some tulips too with our items :

Holi Festival in India:

Holi, the festival of colors, marks the arrival of spring in India with exuberant celebrations. People gather to throw colored powders and water at each other, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil and the arrival of spring.

As spring approaches, let us revel in the rich tapestry of traditions and celebrations that mark its arrival around the world. Whether it's admiring cherry blossoms in Japan, partaking in colorful festivities in India, or enjoying a leisurely picnic in Europe, there's no shortage of ways to embrace the vibrance of this season. With our curated selection of essential items, you can elevate your springtime celebrations and create lasting memories to cherish for years to come.


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